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  VIEW - find out about the abuse of children and of kidnappings. The outrage has no limits! But, intelligence tells rapists, kidnappers their families today, the leaders of some Eastern countries, rich and Yes, the same share of profit. Outrage takes place because a political case.. 


  ВЗГЛЯД - Узнаю о насилие детей и о массовых похищениях. Возмущению нет предела! Но, разведка докладывает, что насильники, похитители их семьи сегодня, руководители некоторых восточных стран, богатые люди и да же делятся прибылью. Возмущение проходит, потому что дело политическое..



some of My applications and letters                                                           некоторые  Мои обращения и письма 


      Red is the fate of the letter                                    Signature and receipt of sending my addresses can be found on the page "my video entry"




To Mr President of Turkey                                                      ( Not taken in the police Department of the city of Istanbul on the day of arrival to Turkey)


                                                                                                                                   from Evgeny Malashev

                                                                                                                                   passport  06760549  kaz



                           Dear Mr President of Turkey!

     I appeal to You with  my  prayer of the appropriation of a status for a refugee for me ,in according to Uhited Nations Conventions.

             Briefly about essence of my  matter.It was kidnapped over 8000 children (mainly the babies),who was born in NATO`s countries from 1964-1970  years by Secret Agens of USSR. The children were kidnapped for the terrible experiments and for organs. I`m one from their ,contrary to expection , I`ve survived, I had got the series of the prosedures, that erased my memory,

I could restore all real chain of the events in the grains.

       As I was able to orient myself in this situation, I`ve run out to Georgia from Kazakhstan ,because there appealed the real  threat ,that I`ve begun to remember everything.

       When I`ve arrived in Georgia,I appealed with such prayer to the authorities of  official Tbilisi,bu.t all my applications were ignored. I`m  affraid, that they were getting in the hands of the relatieves or their children, whose grandfathers and fathers were involved in those tragic events .And because they are held (sluggish)

       I`ve the  incontrovertible  proofs of these crimes,And the competent way for the decision of this problem is able to serious losses for the rejimes in power of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

       Recently in Georgia the parliamentary elections were happened and to the power have gone the forces, under that  my further residence (stay) in Georgia has become dangerous for me.

       I ask to You don`t ignore my resort! You are my last hope (sheetanchor),that to open these facts and to return me to my historical Homeland.

                                                     Yours sincerely

                                                                             YEvgeniy Malashev.

                                                                                                         the 5th of October 2012 yea 






To the Embassy of Turkey in Georgia

                                                                                                                         from Evgeny Malashev

                                                                                                                         passport № 06760549 kaz.                                                                                                                                    tel:(995 74) 77 21 69     IGNORED



                                                         Dear Sir Ambassador!

       I`m asking to You,to your to the active contributor of NATO alliance. with my prayer and to help to the promotion of these materials (data) to NATO`s structures further.

       At the moment I`m in Georgia and hope that You may take and listen to me from necessity.

       Briefly about the essence of the matter.

        It was kidnapped over 8000 children (mainly babies) who was born in NATO`s countries from 1964 till 1970 years by secret agents of USSR.

         The children were kidnapped for the terrible experiments and for the organs. I`m one from their.Contrary to expectations I`ve survived.But I had got the series of prosedures that erased my memory.I could restore all real chain of the events in the grains.

         As I was able to orient myself in this situation I`ve run out to Georgia from Kazakhstan because there appealed the real threat that`s why because I`ve begun to remember...

         When I`ve arrived in Georgia ( in 2011 year).I`ve appealed with such prayer to the authorities of official Tbilisi.but my applications were ignored.

 I`m afraid that they were getting in the hands of the relatives or their children.whose fathers and grandfathers were involved in those tragic events.And because they are held.(sluggish)

          I have the incontrovertible proofs of these crimes.The competent way for the decision of this problem is able to serious losses for the regimes in power of Russia.Kazakhstan and Belarus.

           I ask You don`t ignore my appeal (resort).

                                                         Yours sincerely Evgeny Malashev

                                                          04 August 2012






                                                                                                                          To the Embassy of the UK in Georgia

                                                                                                                  For the Ambassador of the UK in Georgia

                                                                                                                    From Malashev Evgenij Konstantinovich

                                                                                                                                           Passport №06760549kaz.


                                                                                                                                                   Tel.(995 74) 77 21 69





        I`m Evgeny Malashev was kidnapped by the secret service agents of the USSR in 1967 the moment when my mother and I were going at my grandparents to London(the UK).

I was stolen as other 8000 children.which were born in NATO`s countries for doing experiments and for donor organs.I do turn out well to survive.

In the former USSR I`d undergone all or nearly all kinds of moral influence and force on myself.I`d been from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad.I`d been and in Georgia(Tbilisi).

In 1968 in Tbilisi news were speeded quickly and the people hadn`t permitted to take off my kidney were getting together near the hospital town on Saburtalo.

I`ve realized the courage of many Georgian`s citizens only after many decades.because they had raised their voices and many were to raise the hands against colonels Lazarev.Rodionov(then they were the lieutenants colonels).Besebaev and the most important-Andropov

But the common efforts I was saved my kidney. I`m very thankful to Georgian`s inhabitans for it! order to avoid idle talk .the lieutenant colonel Lazarev had carried off me to Alma-Ata(Almaty).After some time I was got back at Tbilisi. Then I was again carried off at Tashkent... ets.

I`ve been meeting many different people as good as bad on my life way. Generaiiy 1970 year the Committee of State Security of the USSR(CSS USSR) determined to give me``a new life``

My cerebrum was punctured for saying to everything. They gave me salaried parents and begun to destroy my memory methodically. Even after the collapse of the USSR everything was continued and it is continued!

But on now day I`d recollected all my remembances on 80 p.c.and I`ve become dangerouse even later 42-43 years after those events. I`ve had occasion practically escape from Kaskhstan because many wich of them were executioners then and now they are at the rule in Kazakhstan and in Russia. If aren`t they-then their families. And plates with names of executioners are designed the buildings and the streets!

Now I`m in Georgia in Tbilisi. For the present I haven`t asked the political  assy lum at Georgia because it is known for me who is my father and mother and when they are live. About it to me told the people. who can`t keep this at the secrecy for them selfs private convictions. But there isn`t  I fear that my applications in Georgia have in hands to those hereditary military families who was mixed up in histories at kidnepping from NATO`s countries

I fear that my applications in Georgia have in hands to those hereditary military families who was mixed up in histories at kidnepping from HATO`s countries

 But in Kazakhstan and in Russia  the World Community at Kazakhstan and at Russia

My mother are living in Canada Toronto. Her name is Brenda Seagal. She is Steven Seagal`s blood native uncle is Steven Seagal. He lives in the USA. My blood father is Michael Francis Middleton. He is living in the UK London.

I`m writing about it not for that boast or to show,that with my head isn`t all in order.But because I simply can`t join with my parents. .World Community  is absent.

Dear Mr Ambassador of the UK! I request for helpto me.That the embassy of the UK in Georgia will help me to come back to the historical bithplace and to be tied with my blood

relatives.I hope on your help very much


I`ll wait your answer impatiently for. Well. than more the civil servants of Committee of State Security will be know about what I`m going to come back on my Motherland and what my memory was restored.the more are growing the probability for my physical elimination.

I`ve already addressed with such letters to the Embassy of the USA in Georgia and to the Refugee Protection Division in Canada(Toronto) through  the

mail.but I haven`t got the answer yet.


...Pardon to me for my persistence. because I`m in a despirate situation now.And than longer I`ll be found in my way to my Home. that more chances for my physical elimination by agents of special services of Russia and Kazakhstan. 

Believe me that behind these histories are people who can rule in Kazakhstan and in Russia even now.And they don`t want to publish these histories.

I hope  at your help.

Yours sincerely Evgenij Malashev                                                                                    _________ May 2012





 Open letter to the analytical department of the U.S. FBI.


I, Eugene Malashev appeal to you to contact me. I need to tell you my story of the abduction of the United States. I am one of the few survivors who was kidnapped as an infant from NATO countries. I was abducted from the United States. My own mother Bonnie Segal, the elder sister of the now famous person a U.S. citizen Steve Segal. My own father, the man now known as Michael Francis Middleton, a British citizen, father of the Duchess of Cambridge. Now I'm a refugee, and in Turkey. I am writing an open letter, because I have already made more than 300 calls in all of the organizations that have been ignored, as if I had never applied. I know that the mass kidnapping of babies born in NATO countries during the period from 1965 - to 1970 is closely related to today's terrorist attacks in Boston. The links of one chain. Children were abducted during the period of more than eight thousand and was forwarded to the USSR in the experiments. The experiments were carried Institute of Marxism and Leninism, the Soviet Union. Some of these experiments were aimed at managing events through the stress and the impact of human consciousness on the situation in the world. From what I've been doing all my life except that unravels the intricate connection of my background and abduction, and these experiences, I learned to feel for many of the events earlier. I know that the relationship is very intimate. I simply ask you to contact me and scrutinize narrated me the story and analyze it. As a man can not stand terrorism, I demand that my appeal would not be ignored. My mail roy7887 Skype phone 905347907712Yours Eugene Malashev April 22, 2013




                                                                                        Chief of Police of the city of Antalya, Turkey.

                                                                                                 From Malashev Eugene Constantin


                                                              STATEMENT                                                                                     IGNORED                                                                                                             


Due to the fact that I was siting information that I consider important. This information is irrelevant to the terrorist attacks in Boston and can significantly change the course of the investigation of the attack. It is quite possible to find a connection with the other steps and acts of terrorism in NATO countries.  Due to the fact that I am now in Turkey and has filed a petition to the President of the Republic of Turkey, on the refuge and assistance in returning me to the United States from where I had been kidnapped in the year 1966-1967. I am now under the protection of Turkey as a "victim of trafficking."

But it so happens that those families who took part in the USSR in the experiments on kidnapped children from NATO countries were together prichasny a terrorist explosion in Boston, USA. I know this because they've been in these families. And these explosions coincide with the program of the experiments that spent intitut Marxism of the USSR. I believe that this information is very important.  

But it so happens that those families who took part in the USSR in the experiments on kidnapped children from NATO countries were together prichasny a terrorist explosion in Boston, USA. I know this because they've been in these families. And these explosions coincide with the program of the experiments that spent intitut Marxism of the USSR. I believe that this information is very important. So once again I would argue that families and family Tsarnaeva Kadyrbaeva had a relationship back in 1968 - 1969 a year and the relationship between them was carried out by the Soviet KGB. And Tsarnaevyh grandfather served on object KGB near the town of Frunze in Kyrgyzstan

Due to the fact that I do not accept terrorism as a phenomenon and as luck was as experimental sample at the beginning of the creation of these terrorist networks. I have to make every effort that would give notice of the circumstances known to me terrorism. Therefore: -

Recalling General Assembly resolution 51/210 of 17 December 1996 and annexed to its Declaration to Supplement the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism, 1994,

Article 101. States Parties shall afford one another the greatest measure of assistance in connection with investigations

Relying on the foregoing I ask you to accept my application, one ekszemplyar attach to my business you have, and the second official to smuggle in the U.S., as my testimony. Just at the base of the same convention I want to exercise their right hand over the statement where I am today, namely the police the city of Antalya, Turkey.


 Yours Eugene Malashev 25 May 2013.






                                                                                                            Consulate Ankara, Turkey

                                                                                                Mr. Consul General of the USA in Turkey 


From  Yevgenie Malashev  Konstantinovich passport P KAZ № 06760549, temporary identity in Turkey ( RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR FOREIGNERS) B № 493830 OF 22. 04. 2013 TEL. +905347907712 email, 


                                                                              STATEMENT                    Sent mail but the decision on it yet 


     I am Yevgenie Мalashev, there is a «victim of trafficking». In 1966, I was kidnapped from the USA and transported through Turkey, the USSR, and many others at that time the children have been abducted, who was born in NATO countries.  The customer of these abductions of Institute of Marxism and Leninism of the USSR, together with the KGB.  Experiments on abducted children were held with the purpose of creation of information fear of the USSR and the Communist Islamic groups , which are now transformed into a radical Islamic militants.   Because at that time my relatives by blood parents were not in the ruling part NATO countries, I managed to stay alive. My kidnappers did not hide who are my relatives , and they showed me pictures and called names. Then became a memory block with the help of different medical procedures.  After the collapse of the USSR me very much erased the memory using an electric current. But I was collecting his memory, and information about yourself parts. Some former high-ranking officers of the former USSR, I was told that was wiped off, and showed them pictures.   The situation in the world changed and my blood relatives now very well-known people. My former kidnappers and the executioners now occupy influential positions in the countries of the former USSR. Their fear that the history of mass kidnappings and sadistic experiments on U.S. citizens and other NATO countries could become known around the world and endangers my life. In December 2011, I fled from Kazakhstan to Georgia. For 8 months of stay in Georgia, I made a statement to all interested organizations of Georgia. But my requests were ignored.   Only informally former employees of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Georgia told me, «Well, what you hollering about? Know this about you, only all stained and therefore will not pretend that you do not». After the parliamentary elections in Georgia won Moscow I had to leave Georgia . From October 2012 I am in Turkey. In Turkey, I appealed to the President of Turkey with regard to the protection of me and assistance in returning to my homeland as a « victim of trafficking» today, my application is still pending and I am in an indeterminate state. I have no written evidence of my captors, in Kazakhstan and Russia in the archives of the CSS and the FSB on my endeavor is «secret».   On my body there are traces of electrical shackles of electrodes , which shows multiple effect on me. Such traces cannot be faked. So in my body there are traces of experiments on «radiation impact on the child's body and the effects of chemical warfare agents have expired. All this can be asked to examine, if I can help human rights organization, or You can help me get in touch with my relatives in the USA, UK, Canada.   One is very difficult to fight with FSB of Russia and the former Communists, who have billions of personal money and own gas and oil. I ask You urgently to consider my application and help me to return home in the USA, where I was kidnapped. Because my strength can end and the world will not know about those atrocities, and I can't get to the homeland.

My family; my mother - Boni Seagal,  live presumably in Toronto Canada.  My uncle ( my mother's brother) Steven Seagal, a U.S. citizen.  My father -Michael Middleton,  a British citizen.  I am ready for a formal surrender of DNA, to confirm my statement. I am sure that my analysis of DNA confirms this. Also from the words of the high-ranking officers of the former USSR, I know that was kidnapped September - November 1966 the city of Wyoming, Minnesota, or the city of Madison, Minnesota.

A small difference in geographical names is explained by the desire of these officers hide the receiving channel of information.     But that is all there, just exactly.        Also I can help untangle the clever ball, which worked away FSB of Russia together with the radical Islamic groups of influence on a situation in the world. Recently in the U.S. terrorist act was committed in the Boston marathon.  I know, a curious detail communication defendants  to the crime.  About this I have reported via Internet email in the FBI and Interpol, but after me hasn't been contacted, I made a statement to the police Turkey with the request to notify the FBI about my testimony.  I don't know was whether the FBI my testimony. 

 I ask You on the basis that all U.S. embassies and consulates outside the United States are the offices of the FBI in control, investigate and prevent terrorism, accept as my statement and testimony about the terrorist act at the Boston marathon and send him on to officially in the FBI, for introducing him to the case of the terrorist attack in Boston.

I look forward to Your early reply and Your help to me in return in the U.S. or in connection with my family in the USA, Canada and UK.

 With respect Yevgenie Маlashev                                                                                             2013 08 01 



                                                                                                                                                             (My testimony to the FBI )

 To Turkish Police from Yeugenie  Konstantinovich Malashev  tel I +905347907712  

 Now I`m  in Turkey with the address to the President of Turkey on the assistance to me in return me to the USA as "A Victim of trafficking of people" .My message was written according to the laws:   -The UN Convention "On the rights of children 1951,Turkey 1994, -The UN Convention "On the protection of individuals from computer data processing"1981 Strasbourg, -The Memorandum of understanding with the law enforcement bodies "Geneva-Turkey 2010»                                                                 While in Turkey; from the media, I became aware of the terrrist  act in the  Boston maraphon, which made the brothers Tsarnaevs - Dzhokhar and Tamerlane, and evidence of crimes hid Kadyrbaev (the student from Kazkhstan)                                From the published photos in the media I learned these families. And I think that my  information is very important for the investigation and struggle against terrorist bombings and I have no right to keep silent .

         I appeal to Turkish Police to officially  convey my testimony in the USA in order to be attached to the case  according to the UN resolution 'On the suppression of terrorist bombings" 51/210 of the 17-th of December 1996,paragraph 101 of this agreement  which refers to the mutual assistance of the countries and law enforcement agencies of these countries, the suppression of terrorist bombings.

      In the period 1965-1970 years from countries participating in NATO were kidnapped and transported for the experiments in the USSR more than eight thousand babies. Approximately the same number was traded from maternity hospitals on the territory of these countries with the certain sequence. The essence of these experiments had the  reconnaissance nature, as well as correction of consciousness and   directions of  development of the States through  of the blood, the partimonial component layers of society . Influence of stress on society through the birth of a thread .Generic threads are used as a  bridle. for a horse  Stress from this is less than stress for the blood relation. One of the methods for stress is the bomb terrorism. These experiments were  made of the Institute of Marxism of the USSR together with the Committee for State Security of the USSR (CSS of the USSR) and  the various radical Islamic parties it has relied on during the transit of the children abducted in the USSR  and it was bearing the exploration of the USSR of the Mediterranean region and the middle East.

      After the collapse of the USSR the Committee for State of Security of the USSR became known as the  Federal Service for Security of the  Russian Federation (FSS of Russia) and the majority of Islamic radical groups continue  to invisible cooperation with the Federal Service for Security of Russia through various special service seceded from the USSR States.

       I`m one of the few survivors who was kidnapped from the USA and  I was  brought for experiments to the USSR. In 1968 withing the framework of the experiment conducted by the Institute of Marxism USSR ,I was transferred to the Tsarnaevs. Then they lived not far from the city Frunze (Kyrgyzstan) .The choice fell on the Tsarnaevs  because their gfandfather worked at the facility CSS of the USS, not far  from the city Frunze and he had  access to classified information. Object CSS  specialized in the interception of radio negotiations and the suppression of the broadcasts of radio "Liberty" and "Voice of America". The pictures, which are  published by the media, he photographed in the form of the combined- arms. And this picture of the Tsarnaevs is provided by the media, is not accidental ! This distracted screen.

     In 1968 I stayed  about two months at  the Tsarnaevs and then I was sent to the Caucasus cities: Tbilisi, Grozny, Megas. Two months later I was returhed to Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata ,where I was handed over for the Kadyrbaevs. All transfer and transits were only command CSS of the USSR and  approval of the Institute of Marxizm in the USSR. And It`s the fact, that 45 years later the Kadyrbaevs and the Tsarnaevs are  together in Boston(USA).And they are jointly involved at the terrorist act. It couldn`t  be accidental !May be just to hide the traces of old acquaintance between them and  the traces. Dating with many influential names of the former the USSR, Kadyrbaev and  began to destroy  the evidence-the computer files of Tsarnaev and   the  traces of   the explosives and he was detained.  I`m sure ,that the facts mentioned by me, are the key to understanding the mechanism of the terrorist act at the Boston maraphon in the United States and many other committed terrorist acts in the world and those ,which   they are going to make  only. And the events that  they want to present as a prank children and on this background to achieve  new agreements on cooperation between the Russian Federal Service of Security (FSS of RF) and FBI of the USA in the issue of terrorism in the world is false.

  Please, convey this information through official channels on the FBI, at the framework of the UN Resolution "On the suppression of terrorist bombings" 51/210 the 17-th of December 1996 ,paragraph 101 of this agreement, which says about the mutual assistance between the countries and law enforcement agencies of these countries in combating this phenomenon and attach one copy to my dossier in Turkey about my application forum and assistance in returning me to the USA as "A Victim of trafficing of  people'            With respect              Yeugenie  Malashev               The 5-th of June 2013      




Minister of defense of Georgia

Mr. Dmitry Шашкину

from Малашева Eugene passport no 06760549 kaz

Tbilisi Street Saakadze house 50


tel: (995 74) 772169

APPEAL                                                                                                                                                                    IGNORED     


I ask You to treat seriously to my story., Because our cooperation, Georgia may be very helpful and beneficial.

Turn to the specifics: - I arrived in Georgia 6 months ago and immediately turned to all official bodies of the statements that unfortunately there was no response, they were simply ignored. And exactly been what should Georgia for a speedy entry into NATO, and the use of my history would cause devastating damage to the Board of Putin's regime and regimes supporting him. In short, In 1967, I was abducted by agents of the KGB from the territory of the United States or when my mother and I were on the road in London, UK, and went to my grandmother. Then bringing in the USSR, I have been brainwashed so that I don't remember anything that happened to me until 1971 and over drew a false life. I knew that it was all a lie ,and strenuously sought the truth. After the collapse of the USSR, the people who tried to tell or cast this card truth, were killed, others are scared and silent. Now I was able to reconstruct all the memories and even know who my biological parents and where they live in the USA, Canada and UK. But they could do nothing further. Everywhere I turned, all mails remain unanswered. With me no one wants to meet formally . In Kazakhstan me to return dangerous for life, and be in a strange state, even in Georgia. The only thing that can help me, this is the output of the whole truth of the heritage of the world community. If you disassemble the incident with my kidnapping and who was involved, it will be clearly disclosed to a 40 year-old network of agents of KGB or who work for them. That has strengthened after the collapse of the USSR a network of emigrants who purposefully helped to emigrate special services of Kazakhstan and Russia, the majority of them themselves or their families, participated in the experiments on stolen from NATO countries and for children in подавлениях dissent 1966-1970's in USSR). And after the collapse of the USSR all the network works against NATO countries, because they are on another cannot. They and their families are tied crimes and blood. Like I was stolen in the period from 1964 -1969 year more than eight thousand. Mainly children, infants . Stealing babies born in NATO countries. Abducted with military families, politicians, managers and the ruling сословья.

I hope that You respond to my letter. And assign an appointment for me, on which I will be able to tell You better and clearer.

With respect Eugene Малашев

10 July 2012 




Руководителю  IOM UN Almaty KZ           

От Малашева Евгения Константиновича паспорт  Р КАZ № 06760549     тел +905347907712


                                                   Заявление                                                                                                                                     IGNORED 


   -Согласно конвенции  ООН, от 1951 года «О ПРАВАХ ЧЕЛОВЕКА», которую ратифицировала республика Казакстан. И согласно руководства, по международной миграции (МОМ) -  «ПРЯМАЯ ПОМОЩЬ ЖЕРТВАМ ТОРГОВЛИ ЛЮДЬМИ» , подписанному ОБСЕ (организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе» в 2010 году.  Я прошу Вас помощи и содействия в защите и возврате меня на Родину.  Хотя я нахожусь сейчас в Турции Анталия и прошу Вас вмешаться в ситуацию, потому что в Турции мне МОМ ООН отказывает в установлении контакта со мной, чем нарушает выше указанные конвенции и руководства  принятии моего заявления и рекомендует обратиться в консульство тех стран где проживают мои кровные родители. А в консульстве посылают в МОМ ООН. Я являюсь лицом в классификации международной, пострадавшим от торговли людьми и согласно конвенции ООН, приоритетном направлением МОМ ООН является работа по возвращению и защите таких как я. В связи с тем. Что я был похищен в младенческом возрасте, и мне проводили процедуру по блокировке памяти, я интуитивно приехал в ту страну, через которую меня везли. И столкнулся с проблемой, что многие похитители и их семьи работают именно там, кто должен содействовать моему возврату на Родину. В Казахстане мне то же находится не безопасно, поскольку заказчиком массовых похищений было правительство СССР, и моими палачами были работники и казахстанских структур, чьи семьи находятся у власти ныне.  Поскольку я сегодня являюсь гражданином Казахстана, но находится сам в Казахстане не могу, а организация МОМ ООН это международная организация, поэтому я могу обратится в любое её представительство.   Я обращаюсь к Вам через своего представителя с просьбой о помощи и содействии в решении моего вопроса. Я, руководствуясь конвенцией  «О ЗАЩИТЕ ФИЗИЧЕСКИХ ЛИЦ, В ОТНОШЕНИИ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЙ ОБРАБОТКИ ДАННЫХ, ЛИЧНОГО ХАРАКТЕРА»  (Страсбург 28. 01.1981 год),  Отправил заявления о помощи мне ФИЗИЧЕСКОМУ ЛИЦУ,  с описанием моей ситуации и об отказе меня признавать и слышать многими организациями. Такие просьбы о помощи я направил более чем в 100 организаций МОМ ООН разных стран мира, и в 24 консульства и посольства стран участниц НАТО, с просьбой о содействии  в возврате меня на Родину и предоставления мне убежища. Согласно, статьи 15, и ссылаясь на статьи 13, 14, этой конвенции, получатели этих прошений, не вправе мне отказать и обязаны уведомить о моей просьбе и проследить за исполнением этого соглашения.  Так же руководствуясь этой конвенцией, я прошу Вас связаться со мной и проверять мои показания, и обращения не ограничиваясь  запросами о моём происхождении в организациях бывшего советского союза, поскольку они лица заинтересованные и могут находиться в сговоре. А я заявляю, что все документы выписанные мне являются лживыми. Прошу начать с того, что бы установить со мной контакт и выслушать меня.

. Согласно руководства, по международной миграции (МОМ) -  «ПРЯМАЯ ПОМОЩЬ ЖЕРТВАМ ТОРГОВЛИ ЛЮДЬМИ» , подписанному ОБСЕ (организация по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе» в 2010 году

Я являюсь жертвой торговли людьми, которая пытается установить контакт с МОМ ООН, по месту своего гражданства. Поскольку все организации отказываются устанавливать со мной контакт, то я прошу Вас принять моё заявление под подпись и второй экземпляр с отметкой о приёме вернуть моему представителю, Жиндаровой Анне Викторовне    Ссылки на закон ISBN 978-92-9068-565-4   Сайт для справок http;//  tel +41 227179111 . fax +41 227986150 


С уважением                Евгений Малашев 18 января  2013 года.                             


  Обьяснение моей ситуациии

          Я, по паспорту Евгений Малашев 1964 года рождения. Настоящего имени не знаю, но год рождения 1966 и родился ,я в США. Моя мама по крови Бренда Сигал, отец Майкл Френсис Миддлтон. Меня похители агенты КГБ в 1967 году на опыты и органы, в момент, когда мы собирались с мамой ехать с США в Лондон Великобритания к моей бабушки Валерии и дедушке Питеру. В 1970 году мне КГБ дали выдуманную семью, которой в таком виде не существовало. При этом мне хирургической операцией стёрли память. Далее я жил в Алма-Ате под надзором КГБ и когда я начинал вспоминать истинное своё происхождение, процедуру по стиранию памяти повторяли. После ликвидации СССР стало ещё страшнее, потому что все палачи, кто непосредственно издевался над мной пришли к власти. Я по крупицам собирал кусочки воспоминаний и когда начал ориентироваться в ситуации бежал в Грузию. С 2011 года я нахожусь в Грузии и пытаюсь через посольства США и Великобритании и представительства НАТО связаться с родными по крови что бы уехать на Родину. В США или Великобританию.

В Грузии меня проигнорировали все организации, как будто бы я не обращался, хотя это противоречит всем законам Грузии в работе с обращениями граждан. Я сделал вывод, что правительство в Грузии давно уже не управляло страной, ей управляло КГБ и Москва. Когда после парламентских выборов к власти пришла Москва, я вынужден был срочно покинуть Грузию и перебраться в Турцию. С 5 октября 2012 года я нахожусь в Турции и пытаюсь так же каким то образом связаться хоть с какими то организациями, издательствами газет и радио, что бы хоть кто то заинтересовался этой проблемой. Самое страшное поверить, что после распада СССР, новая власть СССР заключило соглашение с мировым сообществом о игнорирование этого вопроса. И он будет раскрыт через сто лет, как массовые расстрелы польских офицеров 1939 года в 2009 году. И просто решили списать 8000 убитых и украденных со стран НАТО младенцев. Но я живой и хочу вернуться на родину и обязан рассказать о этой истории всему миру сейчас и немедленно. Но почему то мир слышит только то, что ему позволяют слышать..  Помогите мне связаться с какими то заинтересованными организациями. Пожалуйста.

Помогите мне вернуться на Родину к моим кровным родственникам и сделать всё согласно мировым законам, что бы зло называлось злом, а добро было добром

My skype:roy7887           My email:            

Мои видео обращения, они на Русском языке. Смотрите пожалуйста их по порядку.

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0 3 декабря  2012        С уважением                                                                    Евгений Малашев

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